The Republican Party Has Gone Dangerously Off The Rails

   It’s really scary how off the rails so much of the Republican Party has become.
   Think about it. Really think about what’s going on.
   The Republican party in many ways is now controlled by one person, Donald Trump. That in itself undermines democracy and what democracy is supposed to be about. What makes it even worse in this case is how twisted, disturbed, and authoritarian Trump’s outrageous behavior is. He lies on a colossal scale which is made even more dangerous by the way his blind followers go right along with with these lies without question. They let him get away with it, which in turn encourages his terrible behavior even more.
   Let’s look at one example: the 2020 election. This election was free and fair. There was no widespread fraud. Every single state, including those run by Republican officials, certified the election because it was free and fair. International observers from multiple countries were present monitoring the election, and they stated the election was free and fair. There were Republican, Democrat, and Independent observers in all the ballot counting rooms in every state. Add to all this the fact that Trump and his people went to court over 60 times trying to push their outrageous false claims of widespread fraud and lost. And many of the judges who ruled against Trump had been appointed by Republicans themselves. The reason Trump and his people lost over 60 court cases in connection to the election is because they have no case. They have no evidence that would stand up in a court of law. It is very clear that Trump lost the election fair and square. But Trump doesn’t like to lose and wants power, so he has continued making his false, dangerous claims about the election even though they are flat out lies. And despite the fact that his claims are totally false, his followers blindly go along with them spreading these dangerous falsehoods.  And we all saw how on January 6th, all these false claims about the election led to a mob of extremist Trump supporters assaulting United States Capitol Building in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying this free and fair election. And yet despite all this, Trump and his supporters continue pushing their dangerous, undemocratic false claims about the election.
   This brings us to Republicans in elected positions, the majority of whom are bowing to Trump’s authoritarian leadership over the party. Some of these officials are blind followers of Trump themselves while others secretly may not like Trump but continue to bow to him because they are afraid of losing future primary elections. In other words, this latter group is putting their own desire for political power over American democracy. In Washington DC, only a few Congressional Republicans are willing to speak out against Trump.
   This state of affairs is quite scary and truly is dangerous to our democracy. We need to be aware of what is happening and stand up for our democratic values and speak out against authoritarianism in all its forms. We need to put pressure on more Republicans to break away from Trump’s extremist, undemocratic authoritarianism. And in future elections, we need to vote in people who stand for true democracy. Considering how much of the Republican Party is currently under the sway of Trump, in the next few elections, we need to vote in Democrats as much as possible in order to ensure our democracy endures. And I say this as an Independent (I’m not a Democrat). Right now, with so much of the Republican Party following an authoritarian leader, which is what Trump is, the Republican Party cannot be trusted with majority control over the government.

The Republican Party Appears To Be On A Dangerous, Dark Path

   Seems to me that the Republican Party is going down a seriously dangerous, dark path when you stop to consider what has been going on lately. Think about it. I’m not talking about tax rates or the like. No. I’m looking at the way too many members of the Republican Party are going along with disturbingly extremist influences that are terribly harmful to other people and undermining to our democratic values.
   We saw this trend pick up steam during the Trump Administration when Donald Trump and others in the Republican Party did things like attacking the free press, encouraging xenophobia, denying science, and viciously going after the election process itself. On multiple occasions, Trump seemed to go out of his way to avoid criticizing white supremacists and other extremist elements, which in turn emboldened them to come out of the woodwork and spread their vile, disgraceful intolerance, bigotry, and hate more than they had in many years.
   Trump’s unfounded, dangerous attacks on the 2020 election then exacerbated the boiling cauldron of intolerance, xenophobia, paranoia, and hate to the point where it exploded on January 6th when the entire world saw the angry mob of Trump supporters literally attack the United States Capitol Building. Even now with Trump out of office, he is still spreading despicable, dangerous lies about the election which is further encouraging these far-right extremists to the point where there is serious concern that they will conduct more domestic terror attacks upon our nation.
   Despite all of this, a large percentage of the Republican Party is continuing to go along with (and even blindly follow) Donald Trump’s twisted, self serving, dangerous, narcissistic whims and lies. They are frequently denying science so that many refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated against COVID (thus worsening and prolonging the pandemic). A scary percentage still question the validity of the 2020 election despite the overwhelming evidence that it was free and fair. This in turn has led to efforts by many Republicans in numerous states to try to pass laws which would make it more difficult for many people to vote, which is clear voter suppression.
   There are other disturbing trends emanating from the Republican Party. One is the way many Republicans continue to deny human-caused climate change and often promote the use of fossil fuels despite the fact that this worsens the climate change crisis the planet currently finds itself in. This is also very narrow-minded economically because the future is not in fossil fuels but in renewable energy instead. Another sickening trend is the way the Republican Party in many states is attacking the Transgender Community, particularly Transgender kids. These attacks are extremely harmful to innocent Transgender people and increase the likelihood that some may take their own lives.
   How long will this go on? How many lives are going to be lost and how much damage will our country have to endure before these dangerous trends by the Republican Party finally abate.
   Many Republicans see themselves as rugged individualists. But their behavior says otherwise. Instead, many have shown themselves to be blind followers who are unwilling to think for themselves, stand up for what is right, or speak out against what is clearly wrong.

Too Many People Are Blind Followers In Politics These Days

   It’s truly disturbing how many people seem to be blind followers these days. Really disturbing.
   While it happens with a whole variety of people holding a plethora of views, ideas, and backgrounds, recently, it has been particularly bad with regards to individuals following Donald Trump.
   Think of all the outrageous things Trump has said and done. How he made fun of a person with disabilities and has not properly held Russia accountable for its ongoing cyber attacks on our country. Trump has grossly mishandled the COVID pandemic, which has likely cost lives to be lost needlessly and unnecessarily. He said false information so badly during COVID press conferences, that Dr Fauci had to correct him during the conferences. Trump has publicly undermined government officials from his own administration and insulted valuable allies frequently during his presidency. When racist white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.” What?! That is a sickening thing to say. Now he is attacking the US Postal Service and mail in voting using false claims in what many experts feel is an effort to suppress voters he fears will support Biden. Trying to interfere with Americans’ right to vote is undemocratic and goes against the very foundations of the United States. And these are just some examples of Trump’s outrageous, unethical, inappropriate behavior.
   Yet, many Republicans and Trump followers won’t hold Trump accountable. They stay silent or try to defend Trump when they should call him out.
   There are times when people should put partisan politics aside and stand up for what is right and against what is wrong.  Yet, many Americans are failing to do this and are choosing to stay silent or blindly follow Trump instead. This is sad but also dangerous to our democracy, for this sort of behavior is how terrible things can happen. History is full of authoritarian leaders using such tactics to gain and hold on to power. The past is full of examples of horrible things happening because people stayed silent or blindly supported a leader.
   These are disturbing times indeed.
   People need to use independent, reputable sources for information and have the courage to think for themselves. Don’t blindly follow anyone. Have the guts to speak out against a leader who is clearly out of line, even if you voted for the person.
   It is time for people to stop being blind followers.

People These Days Need To Open Their Minds And Broaden Their Horizons!

Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background.

Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days.

Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources because while there is a lot of good information out there, there’s a lot of bad information out there too, especially when it comes to Social Media.

Double check things. Triple check them! And don’t just follow sites that will tell you what you want to hear. Seek out diverse, varied sources. Explore different points of view. Too many people listen only to one leader or get information from the same source over and over. In addition, too much of the population only interact with others who agree with them, and as a result of all this, they become too isolated from other ideas and points of view. This is a problem in politics, social issues, religion, etc.

Think for yourself!

Open your mind and broaden your horizons!

Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.

I think you’ll find the world is a much more fascinating place and life an amazing experience if you do.

The Middle East Crisis Seems To Reveal How Many People Are Blind Followers

I’m disturbed how so many people seem to automatically think Trump’s actions in the Middle East are ok without giving real evidence as to why they feel that way. It’s like they immediately believe Trump, no matter what he says or does, and won’t question him.  His policies have led to Iran leaving the Nuclear Deal (they will likely reinitiate their nuclear weapons program), ensured that Iran will retaliate (further endangering American lives), has led to Iraq threatening to kick the US out of its country (this would create a vacuum into which Iran would undoubtedly step in), and will likely help the extremist leadership in Iran further consolidate its power (suppressing moderates there even more).
   Folks, please let go of partisan politics.
   Imagine if you didn’t know the party Trump belonged to. Think about how you’d feel if this was a Democratic president. What would you be saying then?
   Too many people (whatever their politics) blindly follow political leaders, even when the leader is blatantly spreading false information and is in the wrong.
   Whether you are on the left, on the right, or a mixture: STOP IT!
   Don’t blindly follow anyone!
   Think for yourself!
   Don’t just use extremist sites that will tell you what you want to hear. Get information from varied, independent sources.
   USA Today, CNN, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, Reuters, the BBC, and many more are good examples of news sites you can use to get information. And explore more than one source. Check out multiple sites to get most accurate picture possible about what is going on.
   Open your minds!
   Be independent thinkers who are willing to speak up against politicians, even if you voted for them.
   History is full of the dangers of blindly following leaders.
   The United States should be better than that!

Afraid Too Many People Will Keep Blindly Defending Trump

I find it deeply disturbing how many Republicans and Trump followers keep going along with Trump even when he clearly does not deserve it.
He has repeatedly lied, attacked the legitimate free press, not held Russia accountable for its ongoing cyber assaults on the United States, alienated long standing allies, maliciously and cruelly insulted people who disagree with him (including foreign leaders), the list goes on.
In my opinion, the Impeachment Inquiry and other investigations have revealed clear wrongdoing in that the Trump Administration was pressuring Ukraine to dig up dirt on a Trump political rival. This by itself is obviously wrong and an abuse of power.
Yet, too many Republicans and Trump followers refuse to even acknowledge that he is in the wrong. They keep blindly defending him or staying silent. If a Democratic president did even half these things, I bet many would be clambering for Impeachment.
There are times when people should put partisan politics aside and strive to do what’s right. To stand up for the United States Constitution. At least acknowledge when Trump is wrong.
It appears to me that a scary number of Americans are choosing blind loyalty to Donald Trump instead of defending the Constitution. This blind loyalty enables Trump to continue his bad behavior.
No one should blindly follow anybody.