Why are Open-mindedness, Tolerance, and Diversity Under Threat?

   It’s the 21st century, and one would hope that open-mindedness and tolerance would be improving, that perhaps there would be a glimmer of hope on the horizon of a better, more supportive world in our future. But alas, that is not what is happening. Instead, much of the Republican Party is now pushing policies that are based on ignorance, bigotry, and blatant prejudice. They are trying to take us backwards. What happened to kindness, tolerance, and understanding? What happened to celebrating diversity? What happened?
   For a while, it seemed like the United States was moving in a positive direction in this area, such as when same gender marriage was made the law of the land. But unfortunately, hardcore, right wing extremists are pushing back with policies that are based on ignorance, fear, and horrendous bigotry. They want a world where their narrow-minded vision of how they want everyone to be is forced upon the entire population, even when the majority does not agree. I mean look at what’s happening in states such as Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, and others where vicious anti-LGBTQ laws are being passed and female reproductive rights are being severely restricted or abolished. Most people in the United States support a woman’s right to choose and back things like same gender marriage, but the far right extremists don’t care. And what’s even more dangerous is how so many other people, who deep down may realize what the far right is doing is wrong, are going along with it.
   It’s sad, tragic, and dangerous. The rights of millions of Americans are literally at stake, as is democratic values for all Americans.
   Again, I ask: why is this happening?  I think fear, ignorance, closed-minded thinking, and prejudice in many ways are feeding this. People are often afraid of things they don’t understand or when they feel their way of life is being threatened. A significant number of cisgender, straight individuals don’t get the LGBTQ community and often have intolerant views with regards to it. Quite a few even see being queer as a sin. Speaking of religion, many of these far right extremists see abortion as a sin as well and are actively trying to legislate their personal beliefs upon everyone else despite the fact most people support a woman’s right to choose. Then consider how conservative,  straight, white individuals, especially men, who have had dominant control over American government and society for hundreds of years, fear that their authority is slipping away as diversity and open mindedness are encouraged. Many of these individuals have a serious lack of understanding of what it’s like for people who are queer or for a poor young woman who finds herself with an unexpected pregnancy. This frequently leads to intolerance and prejudice, and let’s be frank, there are some who do have some understanding of these issues but don’t care due to blatant bigotry and desire for control. And what makes this even worse is how there are many Republicans, or individuals who often vote for Republicans, who realize the actions of these far right extremists are wrong but still go along with it.
   So what do we do about it?
   Speak up and speak out, at least those of us who are able to do so. We need to make our voices heard and try to educate people. I realize that hardcore MAGA enthusiasts are not going to listen to us anytime soon, but there are some moderate Republicans as well as Swing voters who might. We at least have to try. Remind them that some of their friends and relatives are LGBTQ or have contemplated having an abortion. Bring home the fact that we are people too and deserve the same rights as everyone else. And another thing we need to do: is vote! Vote like our futures depend on it because in many ways, they do. And be smart with your vote. We need to vote as many Republicans out of office for the foreseeable future as possible, and in terms of the 2024 presidential election, whether people like it or not, the next president will be Biden or Trump. So let’s get out there and vote for Biden in order to make sure Trump doesn’t get back in. Voting for a third party candidate or staying home is helping Donald Trump. That is cold, hard reality everyone.
   Let’s do our part in battling for a better, more open-minded future.

Time to Open Minds and Broaden Horizons

   When most of society sees you as a bit too different (whether it’s because you’re LGBTQ, are quiet, wear unique clothes, whatever), it can be extremely unsettling, disturbing, isolating, and downright painful when people you know and thought you could trust don’t believe you when you tell them who you are. It gets worse when they keep sticking to their guns despite your continued efforts to explain the situation to them.
   People from all walks of life run into this problem. For example, it’s very common for those who are LGBTQ. It may come in the form of friends or relatives trying to convince a queer person that they’re not really queer, that it must be just a phase or confusion. The situation is compounded when the LGBTQ individual still won’t be believed despite their repeated efforts to explain who they are and how they feel. And it’s not just LGBTQ individuals who run into this issue.  Others such as individuals who are quiet, have distinctive clothing styles, pursue unique interests, are neurodiverse, or are seen as a bit too different for some other reason commonly run into this problem.
   It leaves us wondering why this happens?
   Think about this: people are often uncomfortable with things they see as too different and don’t understand. As a result of this, it’s not uncommon for people to want to either change the individual whom they see as too different or to distance themselves from that individual, both of which are painful and isolating to the person subjected to this. It also leaves the people who are exhibiting this behavior as more narrow-minded to the diversity and beauty of life as compared to what they could be.
   So I encourage and even plead for everyone to open their minds to things they may not understand and initially might see as a bit too different for their comfort. Now, I’m not saying put yourself unnecessarily in harm’s way. There are situations (like if a person is being threatening, dangerous, etc) where distancing yourself is the right move. But if someone you know, for example, says they’re queer or like wearing clothes you personally think are kind of out there, instead of automatically trying to distance yourself from them or immediately trying to change them, strive to learn about the situation first. Be open to the possibilities and expand your horizons. For in doing so, there’s a very good chance you’ll be pleasantly surprised, in which case, the lives of everyone involved will likely be improved.

Intolerance Can Come From Unexpected Places

   I’m bisexual+ and genderfluid, and as such, I’ve learned from first hand experience how much intolerance, prejudice, and lack of understanding there is against individuals who are bisexual+, genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, transgender, asexual, intersex, and so on (BTNIA for short) from both inside and outside the LGBTQ community. Unfortunately, experiencing intolerance from cisgender, straight people is not a big surprise despite the fact it’s the 21st century. Just look at what’s happening in states around the country these days. Republicans are pushing all sorts of anti-LGBTQ policies and legislation on top of their worsening anti-Queer rhetoric. This in turn emboldens people who were already prejudiced against the LGBTQ community to become more open, vocal, and vicious with regards to their bigotry aimed at those who are Queer. The current state of affairs is scary, hurtful, and dangerous for all LGBTQ people. In many places, LGBTQ rights are being threatened and actively taken away. So when members of the LGBTQ community have to deal with intolerance from fellow members of the LGBTQ community, it makes things even more painful since we wanted to believe that we’d at least find acceptance from other LGBTQs. But acceptance even here is not always the case. And let me tell you, it really hurts and can adversely affect innocent people’s lives to a serious degree.
   Why is there still so much intolerance against BTNIA individuals? Lack of understanding is a big factor I would say. People often fear, are intolerant towards, and shun what they see as too different and don’t understand. They are more likely to listen to unfair stereotypes and jump to premature conclusions that they then base future behavior on. This is compounded by the problem of how so many individuals seek out people, groups, information sites, and so on that only agree with them and shun or ignore those that don’t. This sort of behavior reinforces close-mindedness and ends up seriously hurting innocent people (in this case, BTNIA individuals) who are frequently seen as too different.
   The result is many of us who are BTNIA feel isolated and alone without a sense of community, and trust me when I say that this can be brutally hard. Human beings are social creatures as a species, so feeling like we don’t belong anywhere usually goes against our nature. A great number of BTNIA people suffer in the closet as a consequence, afraid of what might happen if their secret is discovered. Others who are out often find things like dating extremely difficult (sometimes near impossible) so that it’s common to find BTNIA individuals grappling with the very strong likelihood that we’ll never find someone special and will always be alone. Establishing close, genuine friendships can be terribly difficult as well since we are often seen as a bit too different by so many people.
   So it’s way past time for people to open their minds and educate themselves. To push outside their comfort zones and learn about other people who are different from themselves. They should seek out information from a variety of different sources, not just from those that always agree with them. And they need to stop automatically believing stereotypes that are frequently unfair and not true for many BTNIA individuals.
   If more people would open their minds, it would help BTNIA individuals live happier, more fulfilling lives, and it would also help those individuals who are opening their minds to live better lives as well.

We Need to Fight Against Republican Extremism

   These are scary times for many of us. Much of the Republican Party has become steeped in extremism, intolerance, prejudice, authoritarianism, and frankly ignorance. In states throughout the country, Republicans are attacking LGBTQ rights, women’s reproductive rights, diversity programs, environmental initiatives, and more. Millions of us are feeling swirling mixtures of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, anger, fury, and a desire to fight back. To defend our rights and retake them in places where rights have been lost.
   But that leaves the question: What is the best way to do this?
   Here are some of my thoughts on that subject. Now I recognize there is no one single way to do this. Multiple factors come into play with regards to how fight back, and remember to keep it peaceful. Violence is not the answer.
   Speaking up and speaking out is so important in fighting for our rights because it educates people which in turn can lead to gaining badly needed allies. It may also encourage others who feel similarly to speak up themselves. Now I realize there are some people for whom speaking up is not an option for a variety of reasons, and that’s okay. But for those who are able and willing, it really can make a difference. There are numerous ways to speak up which include talking to people you know, posting on social media platforms, and even joining peaceful protests. One thing which is extremely important (and unfortunately gets overlooked by many people) is that it is vital to be accurate in what you say. Be able to back up your positions with good evidence that you’ve obtained from reliable, independent sources. Don’t just automatically repeat something that you hear and like without double-checking it’s accuracy because there is a lot of bad information out there. Just because something sounds good and you want it to be true, doesn’t mean that it actually is true. It may be grossly exaggerated or downright false. And spreading information that turns out to be inaccurate ends up hurting the cause because people become less likely to listen in the future even when you are correct and on point. So double check the information using reliable, independent sources.
   Another tactic is picking and choosing how and where you spend your money. For example, when able, you can avoid businesses that are particularly anti-LGBTQ while striving to support businesses that are pro-LGBTQ. This is why I refuse to go to Chick-fil-A. I don’t want that organization to get a penny of my money. In addition to that, you can tell people what you are doing and why. Maybe it will encourage them to do the same thing. Another idea money-wise is if you donate to charities, support well run organizations who are fighting for what you believe in.
   And here’s one more thing you can do, an extremely vitally important thing you can do: VOTE! Vote as many of these conservative Republicans out of office as possible and vote for individuals who will fight for the rights of LGBTQ people, women’s reproductive rights, diversity, etc. And be careful in how you use your vote. I’d recommend against voting for some third-party candidate who has zero chance of winning because often that ends up helping the Republican candidate by splitting the anti-Republican vote. Try voting for someone who will fight for our rights and also has a chance of winning their election.
   So while these are scary times, there are things we can do to fight for our rights and work to make this a better place for everyone.
   So let’s do it! The future is depending on us.

Republicans are Viciously Attacking LGBTQ Rights and Women’s Reproductive Rights

   The dark path the Republican Party is going down keeps getting more and more twisted and dangerous. It’s truly horrifying what is going on because much of the Republican Party is openly pushing legislation that is actively taking away rights from millions of Americans and is based on
blatantly prejudiced, ignorant, intolerant, and even authoritarian positions. A significant number of Republicans are trying to impose their individual views that are often closely tied to their personal religious opinions upon the rest of the population, even when the majority of Americans disagree with them.
   Consider abortion rights. Polls have shown that most Americans support a woman’s right to choose. A 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 61% of American adults believed abortion should be legal in all or most cases while 37% thought it should be illegal in all or most cases. In Florida, those numbers were 56% in favor and 39% against. Yet Republicans around the country are ignoring the American majority and are pushing legislation to severely restrict or ban the procedure. Let’s get back to Florida. A recent state law there bans abortion after 6 weeks. Thing is: most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at 6 weeks, so for them, this is a ban.
   Around the United States, Republicans are also pushing legislation that is blatantly prejudiced targeting the LGBTQ community. Don’t say gay laws are being promoted by Republicans around the nation, and Florida has even extended its don’t say gay law up through 12th grade. Republicans don’t seem to care that these horrible laws increase the suffering of LGBTQ youth (a group that was already facing far too much intolerance and prejudice) and will certainly increase LGBTQ youth suicide rates. Republicans are also passing laws banning gender affirming care for minors despite the fact that every major American medical association supports such care. Studies have shown that gender affirming care for minors improves quality of life and decreases suicide rates. Plus, this type of care is not done lightly and is a process. The parents are involved along with the minor, and counseling is a major component. When medical treatment is deemed necessary, it typically involves puberty blockers and potentially hormone therapy. Surgery is very rare in individuals under 18. Now, consider the following statistics that were compiled (before the current wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation) by the Trevor Project in a 2021 survey of almost 35,000 LGBTQ youth (ages of 13 to 24). 42% of LGBTQ youth had seriously considered suicide in the past year, and for Transgender/Nonbinary youth, that number was 52%. 72% of LGBTQ young people reported symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder in the previous two weeks, and only 1 in 3 indicated that they lived in an LGBTQ affirming home. During the previous 12 months, 48% said that they wanted professional counseling but had not received it, and LGBTQ youth who had been subjected to conversion therapy were more than twice as likely to attempt suicide when compared to those who had not been subjected to the barbaric practice. Think about these numbers. Really think about them. LGBTQ youth need support and understanding. But it’s blatantly obvious that the anti-LGBTQ laws being pushed by Republicans will seriously increase the suffering and alienation LGBTQ youth will have to face. This in turn will mean higher suicide rates of LGBTQ minors.
   The ongoing wave of anti-LGBTQ sentiment and policy being promoted by the Republican Party is based on ignorance, intolerance, and blatant prejudice. It is worsening the quality of life of LGBTQ people and will undoubtedly increase suicide rights. This is why we all need to stand against the bigotry being openly pushed by the Republican Party. It’s important for people to speak out when they can in order to make it clear that such horrendous prejudice will not be tolerated. Trying to spend our money in places and businesses that are pro-LGBTQ and avoiding those that are anti-LGBTQ is another tactic we can utilize. When considering going on vacation, instead of going to a place like Florida (which is passing anti-LGBTQ bills and abortion restrictions into law), consider going to a state like California instead.
   And VOTE! Vote against Republicans that are pushing these and other bigoted, intolerant laws. Vote them out of office and put in elected officials who protect things like LGBTQ rights, women’s reproductive rights, educational institutions, and more.

The Dark Path of the Republican Party is Worsening

   The dark path the Republican Party is going down is getting more and more twisted and dangerous. It’s truly horrifying what is going on, for it goes way beyond just Trump. Republicans around the country are pushing legislation that is based on ignorance, intolerance, and full-blown prejudice. Here are just a few examples.
   Around the United States, Republicans are pushing legislation that is blatantly targeting the LGBTQ community, and they don’t seem to care that such laws will increase the suffering of queer people and increase LGBTQ suicide rates, especially among young people. Consider the following statistics that were compiled by the Trevor Project in a 2021 survey of almost 35,000 LGBTQ youth (ages of 13 to 24). 42% of LGBTQ youth had seriously considered suicide in the past year, and for Transgender/Nonbinary youth, that number was 52%. 72% of LGBTQ young people reported symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder in the previous two weeks, and only 1 in 3 indicated that they lived in an LGBTQ affirming home. During the previous 12 months, 48% said that they wanted professional counseling but had not received it, and LGBTQ youth who had been subjected to conversion therapy were more than twice as likely to attempt suicide when compared to those who had not been subjected to the barbaric practice.
   Now, think about those numbers. I mean really think about them. And remember that these statistics are from before the glut of 2022/2023 anti-LGBTQ legislation. Clearly, “don’t say gay” laws will worsen these numbers since they make queer students feel more isolated, out of place, and alone in addition to limiting the ability of school staff from helping out when needed. This latter point is very significant when you consider that only one in three queer minors felt like they live in an LGBTQ affirming home.
   In addition to these horrible “don’t say gay” laws, Republicans around the country are also pushing for legislation that bans gender-affirming care for minors. Remember that even before these laws, 52% of Transgender youth in 2021 indicated that they had seriously considered suicide during the previous 12 months. Numerous studies have shown that gender-affirming care for Trans+ (Transgender, Nonbinary, etc) minors improves quality of life and thus decreases suicide rates. This is why the major American medical associations support gender-affirming care for minors. And the thing is, gender-affirming care is not done lightly. Numerous people (the individual in question, their parents, doctors, counselors etc) are involved in deciding whether gender-affirming care is warranted or not. The other thing to remember is that gender-affirming care for minors that goes beyond clothing, counseling, etc typically consists of medication such as puberty blockers and hormone treatments, both of which can be stopped at any time. It is actually very rare for individuals under the age of 18 to receive any kind of gender altering surgery. Yet despite all the evidence showing how gender-affirming care for minors works, Republicans around the country are trying to ban it despite the fact that such bans will clearly increase the suffering and suicide rates of Trans+ youth.
   This wave of anti-LGBTQ sentiment and policy being promoted by the Republican Party is based on ignorance, intolerance, and blatant prejudice. It is worsening the quality of life of LGBTQ people and will undoubtedly increase suicide rights. This is why we all need to stand against the bigotry being blatantly pushed by the Republican Party. It’s important for people to speak out when they can in order to make it clear that such horrendous prejudice will not be tolerated. Trying to spend our money in places and businesses that are pro-LGBTQ and avoiding those that are anti-LGBTQ is another tactic we can utilize. When considering going on vacation, instead of going to a place like Florida (which is passing anti-LGBTQ bills into law), consider going to a state like California instead.
   And VOTE! Vote against Republicans that are pushing these and other bigoted, intolerant laws. Vote them out of office and put in elected officials who protect things like LGBTQ rights, women’s reproductive rights, educational institutions, and more.

Transphobia is far too Widespread these Days

   For people who are transgender, non-binary, genderfluid, genderqueer, and so on (I’m using the term trans+ for this group to make this conversation easier), these are extremely disturbing and frequently painful times. This is due to the fact that so many people are openly making transphobic remarks and actions in addition to which a significant portion of the Republican Party is pushing extremely transphobic legislation that is knowingly infringing on trans+ rights.
   To better understand why transphobia is so deeply hurtful, let’s take a look at some numbers. According to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), 29% of transgender people live in poverty, and only 22% have health care insurance. 54% have been the victims of domestic abuse, yet only 30% of women’s shelters are willing to house transgender women. 47% of transgender individuals have been sexually assaulted, and during the years 2014 to 2015, 1 in 10 were physically assaulted. Now here are some other numbers from a nationwide survey of nearly 35,000 LGBTQ individuals aged 13 to 24 conducted by the Trevor Project in 2021. During the 12 months before the survey, 42% of this group said they had seriously considered suicide, and for transgender youth, that number went up to 52%. 72% of the LGBTQ youth surveyed indicated that they had symptoms of general anxiety disorder, and only one in three said they lived in a LGBTQ affirming home.
   Think about those numbers for a minute. Really think about them. 52% of transgender youth had seriously considered suicide in a 12-month period. That number is sickeningly high and is indicative of the intolerance and prejudice trans+ people must face on a regular basis. Whether coming from everyday people, movies, books, TV shows, or from well known individuals (such as JK Rowling, Dave Chappelle, Ron DeSantis, and others), transphobic comments and actions contribute to the tragically and dangerously high numbers I referenced above because they encourage other people to have intolerant attitudes towards the trans+ community.
   Making things even worse is how much of the Republican Party is encouraging transphobic attitudes as it pushes anti-transgender laws in states around the country. Despite the fact that major medical associations in the United States support gender affirming care of transgender minors, Republicans are trying to ban such care in states around the country. Such bans will worsen the suffering of transgender youth and will absolutely increase their suicide rates.
   People need to educate themselves and open their minds with regards to trans+ individuals and the LGBTQ community in general. For example, studies have shown that gender affirming care for trans+ under 18 years of age is extremely beneficial, improves quality of life, and thus lowers suicide rates. Decisions on what care will be provided include the individual in question, their parents, their doctors, and typically involve things like puberty blockers (puberty blockers are reversible). In other words, gender affirming care is not done willy-nilly, and actual surgery is extremely rare for individuals under 18.
   So people need to stop believing the extremist, prejudiced fear mongering that’s coming from the far right. Everyone needs to learn, open their minds, and call out transphobic comments, actions,  and behavior whenever possible. Another vitally important thing to do is vote against politicians who are promoting ignorance, prejudice, and hate with regards to trans+ people.
   It’s time to try to make this a better world for everyone, and that includes the trans+ community too.

Alan Cumming, A Great Actor Who’s Bisexual+

   Alan Cumming a great actor who has had a successful, prolific career with roles on stage, television, and the big screen. You might recognize him from the series The Good Wife or from his role as Nightcrawler in the movie X2. For theatre fans, he’s played the role of Emcee in Broadway versions of the musical Cabaret. As a matter of fact, I saw him in that role in New York myself, and he was amazing! It was like he was born for the part.
   He’s also bisexual+.
   Why is that a big deal? It’s because there is still far too much intolerance, prejudice, and lack of understanding with regards to the bi+ community. And by the way, bi+/bisexual+ are umbrella terms for anyone who can be attracted to more than one gender whatever label(s) they prefer (bisexual, pansexual, queer, etc).
   Too many bi+ suffer in the closet afraid of what would happen if their sexuality was discovered. For those who are out, many find dating brutally difficult to near impossible because of the way so much of the population believe unfair stereotypes that are not true for most bi+ individuals. Bluntly put, bi+ are not a bunch confused, lying sex maniacs, and many are hoping to find happy, monogamous relationships.
   So when a celebrity like Alan Cumming is open about being bisexual+, it’s a big deal because it gives a positive human face to the bi+ community that many people can relate to and like. It helps open people’s minds and hopefully encourage them to take a closer look at their own attitudes towards the bi+ community.
   In other words, positive representation matters. And hopefully with time, as more people come out as bi+, society’s attitude towards the bi+ community will improve, which in turn will make the lives of many so much better.

Still Too Many People Facing Intolerance And Lack Of Understanding

   I’m bisexual+ and genderfluid, and as such, I’ve learned from first hand experience how much intolerance, prejudice, and lack of understanding there is against individuals who are bisexual+, genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, transgender, asexual, intersex, and so on (BTNIA for short) from both inside and outside the LGBTQ Community. Unfortunately, experiencing intolerance from cisgender, straight people is not a surprise despite the fact it’s the 21st century. But having to deal with it from fellow members of the LGBTQ Community can be even more painful since we wanted to believe that we’d at least find acceptance from other LGBTQs. But acceptance even here is not always the case. And let me tell you, it really hurts and can adversely affect innocent people’s lives.
   Why is there still so much intolerance against BTNIA individuals? Lack of understanding is a big factor I would say. People often fear, are intolerant towards, and shun what they see as too different and don’t understand. They are more likely to listen to unfair stereotypes and jump to premature conclusions that they then base future behavior on. This is compounded by the problem of how so many individuals only seek out people, groups, information sites, etc that agree with them and shun or ignore those that don’t. This sort of behavior reinforces close-mindedness and ends up seriously hurting innocent people (in this case, BTNIA individuals) who are seen as too different.
   The result is many of us who are BTNIA feel isolated and alone without a sense of community, and trust me when I say that this can be brutally hard. Human beings are social creatures as a species, so feeling like we don’t belong anywhere usually goes against our nature. A great number of BTNIA people suffer in the closet as a consequence, afraid of what might happen if their secret was discovered. Others who are out often find dating extremely difficult (sometimes near impossible) so that it’s common to find BTNIA individuals grappling with the very strong likelihood that we’ll never find someone special and that we’ll always be alone. Establishing close, genuine friendships can be terribly difficult too since we are often seen as at least a bit too different.
   It’s way past time for people to open their minds and educate themselves. To push outside their comfort zones and learn about other people who are different from themselves. They should seek out information from a variety of different sources, not just from those that agree with them. And they need to stop automatically believing stereotypes that are frequently unfair and not true for many BTNIA individuals.
   If more people would open their minds, it would help BTNIA individuals live happier, more fulfilling lives, and it would also help those individuals who are opening their minds to live better lives themselves.

Too Many Movies Use Unfair, Negative Tropes About Bisexual+ Individuals

   I’m bisexual+ and genderfluid. And you know what: I’m sick of unfair, negative stereotypes that are still so pervasive these days. It’s got to stop.
   I was watching a movie about 2 female best friends, one straight and one gay, who are extremely close and in each other’s lives all the time. Texting, hanging out, laughing, telling each other everything, you get the picture. Their relationship changes when the straight one gets in a serious relationship with a man. She doesn’t have as much time for her best friend. So far, good story with a very relatable plot and sympathetic characters. Things change with time, especially when people get into serious, long term relationships. It affects other relationships in both people’s lives.
   My problem with the movie comes when the gay friend is dumped by a woman (whom she’s been dating). The girlfriend in question is leaving her for a man and because of this, she is treated as confused, possibly a cheater, etc. The gay friend tells her straight friend that she’ll be more careful in the future to date women who are more sure of their being gay (I’m paraphrasing, but that was the message). I stopped watching it at this point because it’s unfair, negative tropes like this that contribute to the ignorance and intolerance so many people hold with regards to bi+ individuals. Bisexual+ people can be just as faithful as anyone else. But too many straight and gay people think of us bi+ as a bunch of confused, lying cheaters. And that’s not fair. Straight and gay individuals can be lying cheaters, but people don’t automatically assume that all of them are, whereas, far too many people assume such unfair notions when they realize a person is bi+. It’s not right. It’s why so many bi+ suffer in the closet, afraid of what will happen if their secret sexuality is discovered. It’s also why many of us bi+ find dating brutally hard. It’s a significant factor in why I’m still alone with dates being extremely rare (and going nowhere when they occur).
   Things need to change. People need to open their minds. Bisexual+ people are not a bunch of confused, lying cheaters. Are there some who cheat? Sure there are, just like there are straight and gay individuals who cheat. But that does not mean the entire community is a bunch of cheaters. Bisexual+ people can be just as faithful as anyone else. It’s time society accepts that.