Movie Theaters Will Have To Adapt To The Changing Times

   That word alone conjures up all sorts of thoughts, memories, and emotions. Drama, comedy, action, science fiction, fantasy, romance… They allow us to escape from our everyday lives so that we can be in other places, times, and worlds. We can even be other people for a little while if we want.
   Kind of magical when you think about it.
   As to how we watch movies, there have been significant changes over the years, especially lately. Before the existence of television, going to movie theaters is what people did to watch a film, whether it was to see a big blockbuster or a low key drama. To watch a movie, you went to a theater. Grand movie palaces were built to enhance the experience. And before the main feature began, there were often news pieces and sometimes cartoons because remember, no one had TV’s at home.
   Then television was invented, and before long, virtually every household had a TV. People could watch the news at home so that the movie theaters ended up dropping news segments before the main feature. Same thing happened to the pre-feature cartoon shorts. Kids were watching Saturday morning cartoons on TV instead.
   But movie theaters still persevered and were quite popular. People enjoyed seeing films on the big screen. It could be a nice escape. Get out of the house for a little while. Perhaps go on a date at the movies. VCR’s and cable TV arrived on the scene after which some people began to worry about the future of movie theaters in general. But watching a movie on the big screen was still quite popular.
   These days, options for home entertainment have advanced greatly. Televisions have much higher resolutions now than those of the past, and most people have TV’s with significantly larger screens as compared to 15 years ago. In addition, streaming services (I’m talking about things like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, On Demand, etc) have exponentially expanded the number of shows and movies people have access to at home. The result has been that (even before the pandemic), people on average have been going to movie theaters less frequently as compared to the past, and a growing number stopped going altogether. When the COVID Pandemic hit. With the risk catching COVID being such a concern and increased restrictions, movie theater attendance plummeted. For a while, the number of new movies being created also went down dramatically. Many people got even more used to watching movies at home.
   Now let’s be honest, with streaming services and high quality televisions, it’s really convenient to just relax and watch a movie in the comfort of your own home. Stretch out on the sofa or recliner and watch the movie whenever you want, whether that’s at 9 in the morning or 12:30 at night. And if you want to grab something to sip on or need to go to the bathroom, you simply press pause. Yep, it’s really nice. That’s why even before COVID, a growing number of people pretty much stopped going to movie theaters. And for those still going, on average, people were attending movie theaters less frequently.
   In the post pandemic world, while movie attendance has certainly increased as compared to the height of the Pandemic, the numbers are still below what they were 15 or 20 years ago. Another trend being seen is that people are more likely to go to the theater to watch a big blockbuster movie as compared to a smaller drama, comedy, or independent film. With the latter types of movies, people are more likely to wait and watch them at home.
   So what is the future of movie theaters. A number of smaller movie theater companies and independently owned theaters closed. Many were already struggling so that the Pandemic finished them off. The major movie theater chains reported financial losses in 2022 and have shuttered some of their locations. While I don’t think movie theaters are going to disappear in the foreseeable future, there will be changes in this new reality.
   Home entertainment options will continue to improve with advancing television technology and widespread streaming services. Movie theaters will have to accept that and the fact that a significant number of people don’t go to movie theaters anymore and that those who do, often go less frequently than in the past. Tactics theater companies may attempt to try to deal with the situation could include things like increased marketing, theater improvements (perhaps focus on theaters with fewer but larger screens), expanded concessions (like maybe alcohol sales and greater food options), more comfortable seating, showing live events (such as concerts, sports, etc), and membership programs for discounts. Even with these efforts, I think the total number of movie theater screens needed will be less as a percentage of the population as compared to 20 or 30 years ago. In order to stay profitable, companies will need to figure out how many movie theater screens are actually needed in an area; otherwise, if they have too many, they will lose money. There may also be more focus on attracting people to the blockbusters while just accepting that a growing number of films such as dramas, comedies, romances, and independent films are going to go straight to steaming services and have no theatrical release at all.
   In order to survive, movie theater companies will have to adapt to the changing environment and accept that home entertainment with large, high resolution televisions and expansive streaming services are the future. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Why Do Some People Find Romance While Others Don’t?

   Why do some people find love and romance while others don’t?
   Have you ever wondered about that? I certainly have, especially considering I’m one of those who’s never found it. So of course, I’d like to know why. But I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the only one who ponders this question.
   There’s a whole myriad of reasons why some people connect with amazing chemistry while others don’t. And let’s be honest: entire books could be written on the subject and still probably not scratch the surface. But I’m going to give you a few of my thoughts on the subject.
   So let’s dive right in! 
   Multiple factors such as personality, interests, outlooks, prospects for the future, people’s pasts, and more come into play with regards to whether connection occurs or not. Sometimes, people who are very similar fall in love and connect while other times, it’s two individuals who seem like total opposites. There are those who want a relationship that’s adventurous and passionate while others want one that feels more safe and reliable. Often, it’s a combination of things that people are hoping to find. Many times, the reasons why two people don’t happen to connect are understandable, reasonable, and a part normal life. These can include factors such as interests being too different, having little to nothing in common, lack of physical attraction, personalities clashing, and so on. These things happen. It can be really, really hard to find someone with whom you have true, romantic connection.
   But there are situations where the reasons why one individual refuses to go out with another are more questionable and problematic such as when they’re based on ignorance, prejudice, and intolerance. People often fear or are at least very uncomfortable with things they see as too different and/or don’t understand. This in turn can then lead to their having instant, knee jerk reactions where they automatically refuse to even consider getting to know someone. They don’t give the person the slightest chance. This is clearly very hurtful to the individual being subjected to this kind of treatment, but it also means that the person being narrow-minded may be missing out on something potentially wonderful. Examples of individuals who face this sort of intolerance far too often include people who are bisexual+, transgender, genderfluid, nonbinary, shy, dress differently, or are seen as too different for some other reason. The result is that many people feel unnecessarily isolated and lonely.
   So what can we do about it? Think about how society would be so much better if more people would open their minds and expand their horizons. Instead of automatically rejecting someone they initially see as different, they’d be open to educating themselves and getting to know the individual instead. Perhaps something beautiful would result, or maybe they could become good friends. And sure, while there’s always a possibility that nothing would come of it, people won’t know unless they open their minds and give it a chance.

I Like DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow. Yes, I Do!

   I really like the TV show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
   Yes, you heard me right.
   You’re probably wondering why. Is it a deep, thought-provoking show? No. Absolutely not. Is it addressing contemporary problems plaguing society today? Nope. So why do I enjoy it you might wonder. Well, let me tell you. It’s a fun, entertaining show that allows you to escape your troubles for a little while and also has surprisingly good queer representation. Yep, it does.
   I don’t want to give away plot lines because this show lasted for 7 seasons. The general premise is that a misfit group of gifted individuals with a variety of abilities and powers was organized by a time traveler who had stolen a time ship called the Waverider. Together, they try to fix aberrations in time with the help of Gideon, the Waverider’s powerful AI computer. The show is an entertaining mixture of action and comedy. It can be campy in places and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s not trying to be deep. And frankly, this combination makes it quite fun, entertaining, and endearing. Another aspect which makes it really enjoyable is how they often screw up lol. They make mistakes. These are not perfect superheroes. Sometimes they are total screw-ups, yet somehow or another, they find a way to get the job done.
   Another thing that makes it a really good show is its strong, positive queer representation. There are multiple important regular characters in the show who are queer, and refreshingly, their being LGBTQ is not a big deal and is totally accepted by the rest of the crew. For example, Sara Lance and Constantine are openly bisexual+, and in the last couple of seasons, Sara Lance has been in a monogamous romantic relationship with another important female character in the show. As a matter of fact, in addition to their relationship being completely normal to the rest of the crew, it’s also been included into some of the show’s plot lines.
   So, is DC’s Legends of Tomorrow going to win Golden Globe Awards? No.
   But is it a fun, entertaining show that will allow you to escape your worries for a little while and also includes strong queer representation? Absolutely yes!
   You can catch DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on Amazon Prime and Netflix.

Kristen Stewart Plays Princess Diana In Her New Movie Spencer

   There’s been quite a bit of buzz about bisexual+ actress Kristen Stewart’s new movie Spencer in which she plays Princess Diana. From the photos I’ve seen, it looks like Stewart really got into the part as she attempted to recreate the tragic and beloved Royal. It also sounds like numerous critics are giving her very positive reviews with some even speculating on a potential Oscar nomination. At least one reviewer felt like Stewart really captured how Diana didn’t fit in well with the traditional rather stoic, stiff upper lip Royals. Since I haven’t seen the film yet, it’s obviously difficult for me to say if I agree with them, but I could definitely see Kristen Stewart potentially nailing this role.
   She has shown herself to be a very talented actress. I thought she was excellent in The Runaways where she played rocker Joan Jett in her younger days and Personal Shopper, a quiet independent psychological thriller whose story I don’t want to give away. Stewart made each of the characters she played in these films feel real and very believable even though they were quite different from each other, as were the films.
   Now, you may be wondering why I made a point to include the fact that Kristen Stewart is bi+ (bisexual, pansexual, fluid, etc). I did it because bisexual+ people still have to deal with so much lack of understanding, intolerance, and prejudice from too many members of the straight and gay / lesbian communities (which is why most bi+ are still in the closet and why of those who are out, a great number find dating terribly difficult to nearly impossible). For things to change, we need people who are straight and gay to open their minds and educate themselves and stop automatically believing unfair, negative stereotypes that don’t hold true for most bi+ individuals . Hopefully, having more people come out as bisexual+ will help this process. This is why it’s so important having celebrities such as Kristen Stewart be open about having bi+ feelings and desires. It helps humanize bi+ people so that more of society starts to recognize that bi+ are real and can be just as decent, kind, caring, and faithful as anyone else.
   If and when to come out is clearly an individual’s personal decision, and no one should be forced to do so. But I will say that I greatly appreciate all bi+ who have come out because it does help in the long term battle for understanding, acceptance, and equality.

Olympic Games Have Gotten Outrageously Expensive For Host Cities

   For many people, the Olympics is an amazing, magical time. Athletes all over the world train, sacrifice, and push themselves to their limits and beyond as they strive for a chance at Olympic Glory. But it goes beyond sports when you think about it, for nations, including those that are literally at war with each other, gather together for peaceful competition. It’s one of the few times where the world has some form of unity.
   But these days, a major problem is how exorbitantly expensive hosting Olympic Games has become. In Ancient Greece, city-states would send contingents of athletes to compete in the Games every 4 years at a permanent site, Olympia, which was in the southern part of the country. Only men were allowed to compete, and religious celebrations took place in addition to the athletic competitions. There were artists present looking for patrons and perhaps trying to sell some of their work as well as politicians on site trying to expand their influence. But it stayed peaceful, which was a significant accomplishment considering that the Ancient Greek city-states were often at odds with each other, and open warfare was not uncommon.
   Obviously, much has changed with regards to the Olympics. Thankfully, competition is not restricted to just men now, and the variety of events has vastly expanded. Also, modern Olympics include nations from all around the world as opposed to just the Greek world. Another major change is how Olympics Games are held in different cities instead of being in one permanent location as was the case in the Ancient World.
   Having different cities host the Olympics is in many ways a noble idea. It helps uphold the concept that the Olympics are truly international and don’t belong to any one country or place. And while this lofty ideal has its merits, there are serious problems with it as well, one of which being the extreme cost that hosting the Olympics has become. Each time a new city is going to host the Olympics, that place has to build and expand infrastructure in order to meet demands of the Games and International Olympic Committee. This is no small feat considering how vast the Olympic Games have become in terms of numbers of athletes, supporting staffs, the variety of different events (some of which require very specialized facilities), and the growing need for increased security (both physical and cyber). The result is that host cities have to spend billions of dollars and frequently go into massive debt which can take them years, if not decades, to pay off.
   Here are some examples of the costs. According to, the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro cost approximately 13.7 billion dollars. The Sochi Winter Games of 2014 cost around 21.9 billion dollars, and the 2012 London Summer Games cost approximately 15 billion dollars. That is vastly expensive for something that will last only a few weeks. Another problem is how some of the facilities that have to be constructed are very specialized and often don’t have any use after the Games are over. There are numerous cases where such sites have literally just been abandoned, or more money was spent revamping them or knocking them down in order to have something that would be of use to the local community. The result is that fewer cities are interested in hosting modern Olympic Games, and this is especially being seen amongst democratic countries. Fewer cities are competing to become future hosts, and what is likely to occur is that as time goes by, more and more of the host cities are going to be in countries that are run by dictatorships because dictators are less likely to care about the financial costs. They tend to be more interested in using the Games as a way to try to expand their power and influence over their own people as well as other countries.
   So my thinking is that maybe it’s time to at least consider finding permanent locations for the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. There could be one permanent site for each or one location that would host both. Countries around the world could contribute financially to building and maintaining the site so that the host doesn’t incur crippling debt. In terms of choosing such a location(s), I would recommend finding a place that is a stable democracy and is also neutral in terms of international affairs. Perhaps Switzerland or somewhere similar. This way, the spirit of the Olympic Games would live on and the financial burden would be lessened. The costs that would occur could be spread throughout the world instead of individual cities having to go into massive debt, debts that can easily take decades to get out of.
   Now, I realize that making this idea a reality would not be easy. There would be fights over where the permanent site(s) should be and battles over who pays what. But if it could be pulled off, I do think it could solve a lot of problems and help the Olympic Games thrive well into the future.

Washington DC Is One Of The Most Beautiful Cities In The Entire Country

   Washington DC.
   For many people these days, when they hear those words, they conjure up images of the vicious partisan politics which has been plaguing this country of late. They think of Republicans and Democrats in Congress at loggerheads against each other to such a severe degree that it often seems like little gets done.
   But what a great number overlook or forget is that Washington DC is one of the most beautiful cities in the entire country.
   Really, it is.
   Why, do you ask? I think it’s a combination of its distinctive layout, beautiful architecture, extensive monuments, and lovely parks.
   First, the layout. While Washington DC has the traditional north south and east west grid system of roads, it is also crisscrossed with impressive avenues that run diagonally through the city. This distinctive layout of streets creates unique intersections, such as traffic circles the centers of which often contain impressive monuments.  There are also numerous parks, big and small, scattered throughout the city which frequently contain statues and other monuments.
   Then you have the impressive architecture of the city which includes a variety of styles such as Classical, Neoclassical, Greek Revival, Palladian, Second Empire, Modern, and Postmodern. Another vitally important facet of the characteristic look of Washington DC is the fact that homes and buildings are not allowed to exceed a certain height. There are no skyscrapers within the city limits. The reason for this is so that the US Capitol Building and other monuments can impressively stand out instead of being overshadowed.
   And of course, one can’t forget the heart and soul of Washington DC: the National Mall. This beautiful park runs from the US Capitol Building to the Lincoln Memorial between which stands the towering Washington Monument. Lining each side are impressive national museums, including the National Gallery of Art as well as multiple branches of the Smithsonian Institution.
   The result is one of the most beautiful cities in the entire country. And if you don’t believe me, check out these photos. I think they’ll prove my point

US Capitol Building in Spring
DC row houses on East Capitol Street NE
Row houses on East Capitol Street NE
Home on East Capitol Street NE
Historic DC home
Sumner School Building. 1872. One of the earliest schools for African Americans in DC.
Georgetown University
United States Supreme Court
Washington Monument during the Cherry Blossoms
Smithsonian Castle on the National Mall
Park between Union Station and the US Capitol Building
Statue in DC
View of the Potomac River with the Kennedy Center and Watergate in the background.
Washington Monument in the Fall.
A neighborhood park during the Cherry Blossoms.
The Tidal Basin at sunset.
Korean War Memorial on the National Mall.
Jefferson Memorial at dusk.
Typical DC row houses. There are blocks and blocks of these throughout the city.
An intersection in a typical DC neighborhood of row houses.
DC residential neighborhood
Washington DC neighborhood
FDR Memorial in Fall
FDR Memorial in Fall
FDR Memorial in Fall
FDR Memorial in Fall

This Is A Great Time To Lose Yourself For A Bit In The Wonderful World Of Art!

   During these strange times of so much being closed and having to be at home way more than we are used to, don’t forget that you can still enjoy the incredible, magical world of art.
   Yes, art!
   Art can be a wonderful way to pass time and let your imagination wander. Experience a whole range of emotions such as joy, romance, happiness, sorrow, anger, excitement, curiosity, and more. You can get glimpses into the past or ideas of what the future might hold. You can lose yourself into a world of fantasy or explore images of stark reality.
   With art, the possibilities are endless!
   Yes, I know museums and private art galleries are closed right now due to the COVID situation, but you can still experience the magic of art!
   By using technology!
   Many great museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Louvre of Paris, the Getty Center of LA, and the National Gallery of Art in DC have substantial online collections that you can peruse and enjoy for free! Many private art galleries showcase pieces on their websites as well. Plus, you can do Internet searches for art. Type in an artist’s name, an art style, region, or whatever. Get creative and see what you can find.
   There is incredible art from all around the world that you can access at home with your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
   So go for it! Explore and perhaps lose yourself for a bit in the wonderful world of art!

“The Vexed Man” at the Getty Center in LA

People These Days Need To Open Their Minds And Broaden Their Horizons!

Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background.

Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days.

Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources because while there is a lot of good information out there, there’s a lot of bad information out there too, especially when it comes to Social Media.

Double check things. Triple check them! And don’t just follow sites that will tell you what you want to hear. Seek out diverse, varied sources. Explore different points of view. Too many people listen only to one leader or get information from the same source over and over. In addition, too much of the population only interact with others who agree with them, and as a result of all this, they become too isolated from other ideas and points of view. This is a problem in politics, social issues, religion, etc.

Think for yourself!

Open your mind and broaden your horizons!

Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.

I think you’ll find the world is a much more fascinating place and life an amazing experience if you do.

4 Prosecutors Withdraw From Roger Stone Case After Being Undercut By Higher Ups

Seeing how 4 Federal Prosecutors have withdrawn from Roger Stone’s case after higher up Department of Justice officials undercut them in sentencing, it sounds to me like Attorney General Barr and possibly others are following Trump’s wishes to go easy on Stone who is Trump’s friend.

If this is true, it is at the very least disturbing and in my opinion highly unethical. The DOJ is supposed to be more autonomous from the White House than other departments. It’s supposed to mete out justice fairly and impartially without White House interference.

Undercutting the Federal Prosecutors running the case in order to give special treatment to a Trump crony goes against what the DOJ is supposed to stand for. That is not impartial justice.

In my opinion, it sounds like gross favoritism and probably flat out corruption.