More People Need To Get Information From Varied, Independent, Reputable Sources

   What happened to people’s ability to think for themselves clearly, fairly, rationally, and accurately?
   I’d really like to know.
   The thing that makes it so ironic is that we live in an age where people have more access to incredible amounts of information than ever before in human history. Think about it. With just our smartphones, devices which literally fit in our pockets, we can access vast amounts of information. News sites, online encyclopedias, a vast array of other websites, and multiple television news channels are all literally at our fingertips. Never in human history has so much information been so readily available to an everyday individual. It’s quite amazing when you think about it.
   As a result, it’s easier than ever to obtain information from a variety of different sources and get different points of view in order to be as accurate as possible. The problem is that millions and millions of people don’t do this. Instead, they focus on sites and people that only tell them what they want to hear. They connect with others online who agree with them and shun those who don’t. Many only get their news from extremely biased, one sided sources that frequently twist information around, exaggerate, and sometimes flat out lie. And when reputable news sites tell them accurate information that they don’t want to hear, they often call it “fake.” They seem to prefer deluding themselves over facing the truth.
   There are plenty of examples of this these days. With all due respect, Donald Trump lost the 2020 election fair and square. There is overwhelming evidence proving this. Every single state certified the election. There were Republican, Democrat, and Independent officials in all the ballot counting rooms in all the states overseeing the vote tallying process. There were even international observers from multiple countries monitoring the election. When the Trump campaign tried to spread their false claims of fraud in the courts, they lost over 60 times. And many of the judges who ruled against them were conservatives themselves. Yet tens of millions of Americans continue to believe the false claims of fraud as they only listen to Trump, other select Republican figures, and conservative websites about the election. They’re ignoring the vast amount of evidence showing that there was no widespread fraud and that Trump legitimately lost.
   Another example is how millions of people are ignoring the scientific evidence regarding the COVID pandemic in terms of the need for getting vaccinated, mask wearing inside public places, and social distancing. Instead of listening to the scientists on reputable sites, they ignore them and follow misinformation which is resulting in too many people not getting vaccinated and refusing to wear masks/social distance in situations where they should. This in turn is making the pandemic much worse and is undoubtedly costing lives to be lost tragically and unnecessarily.
   People need to open their minds and get information from varied, independent, reputable sources. They should strive to learn different points of view, try to verify information, be as objective as possible, and avoid only listening to those that tell them just what they want to hear. Doing these things would help more people get closer to understanding the real truth than has been happening thus far, and this in turn would help make the world a better place in the long run.

People Need To Use Critical Thinking And Seek Out Different Points Of View

   Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background. Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days on all sides.
   Today, we have access to vast amounts of information, available at our fingertips! All it takes is a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and bam, an endless amount of knowledge is right there to explore and learn. It’s incredible when you think about it!
   The problem is that while there is a wealth of amazing, accurate information out there on the internet and social media, there is a lot of bad information too. Compounding the problem is the way too many people only use sources that tell them what they want to hear and only listen to one leader or organization instead of getting different points of view. This can distort and blind them from understanding the real situation and the truth.
   Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources. Strive to learn about and explore different points of view. Get outside your comfort zone. Expand your horizons. Also, remember to use critical thinking. Double check, hell, triple check facts, sources, and ideas! Recognize that not everything you discover is accurate. Some things are exaggerated while others are just downright false. By using different, independent sources and thinking critically, you are much more likely to get a better, more accurate understanding of the subject you are delving into. Don’t automatically believe something simply because you want to believe it, for there is a very real chance that it may not be true at all.
   So think for yourself!
   Open your mind and broaden your horizons!
   Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.
   I think you’ll find that the world is a much more fascinating place and life an increasingly amazing experience if you do.

Open Your Minds And Broaden Your Horizons Instead Of Blindly Following, Whatever Your Views

   Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background. Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days on all sides.
   Today, we have access to vast amounts of information, available at our fingertips! All it takes is a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and bam, an endless amount of knowledge is right there to explore and learn. It’s incredible when you think about it!
   The problem is that while there is a wealth of amazing, accurate information out there on the internet and in social media, there is bad information too. On top of that is the tendency of too many people only using sources that tell them what they want to hear and only listening to one leader or organization. This can blind them from understanding the real situation and the truth.
   Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources. Strive to learn about and explore different points of view. Get outside your comfort zone. Expand your horizons. Also use critical thinking. Double check, hell, triple check facts, sources, and ideas! Recognize that not everything you discover is accurate. Some things are exaggerated while others are just downright false. By using different, independent sources and thinking critically, you are more likely to get a better, more accurate understanding of the subject you are delving into. Don’t automatically believe something simply because you want to believe it, for there is a very real chance that it may not be true at all.
   So think for yourself!
   Open your mind and broaden your horizons!
   Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.
   I think you’ll find that the world is a much more fascinating place and life an increasingly amazing experience if you do.

This Is A Great Time To Lose Yourself For A Bit In The Wonderful World Of Art!

   During these strange times of so much being closed and having to be at home way more than we are used to, don’t forget that you can still enjoy the incredible, magical world of art.
   Yes, art!
   Art can be a wonderful way to pass time and let your imagination wander. Experience a whole range of emotions such as joy, romance, happiness, sorrow, anger, excitement, curiosity, and more. You can get glimpses into the past or ideas of what the future might hold. You can lose yourself into a world of fantasy or explore images of stark reality.
   With art, the possibilities are endless!
   Yes, I know museums and private art galleries are closed right now due to the COVID situation, but you can still experience the magic of art!
   By using technology!
   Many great museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Louvre of Paris, the Getty Center of LA, and the National Gallery of Art in DC have substantial online collections that you can peruse and enjoy for free! Many private art galleries showcase pieces on their websites as well. Plus, you can do Internet searches for art. Type in an artist’s name, an art style, region, or whatever. Get creative and see what you can find.
   There is incredible art from all around the world that you can access at home with your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
   So go for it! Explore and perhaps lose yourself for a bit in the wonderful world of art!

“The Vexed Man” at the Getty Center in LA