People Need To Use Critical Thinking And Seek Out Different Points Of View

   Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background. Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days on all sides.
   Today, we have access to vast amounts of information, available at our fingertips! All it takes is a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and bam, an endless amount of knowledge is right there to explore and learn. It’s incredible when you think about it!
   The problem is that while there is a wealth of amazing, accurate information out there on the internet and social media, there is a lot of bad information too. Compounding the problem is the way too many people only use sources that tell them what they want to hear and only listen to one leader or organization instead of getting different points of view. This can distort and blind them from understanding the real situation and the truth.
   Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources. Strive to learn about and explore different points of view. Get outside your comfort zone. Expand your horizons. Also, remember to use critical thinking. Double check, hell, triple check facts, sources, and ideas! Recognize that not everything you discover is accurate. Some things are exaggerated while others are just downright false. By using different, independent sources and thinking critically, you are much more likely to get a better, more accurate understanding of the subject you are delving into. Don’t automatically believe something simply because you want to believe it, for there is a very real chance that it may not be true at all.
   So think for yourself!
   Open your mind and broaden your horizons!
   Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.
   I think you’ll find that the world is a much more fascinating place and life an increasingly amazing experience if you do.

Open Your Minds And Broaden Your Horizons Instead Of Blindly Following, Whatever Your Views

   Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background. Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days on all sides.
   Today, we have access to vast amounts of information, available at our fingertips! All it takes is a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and bam, an endless amount of knowledge is right there to explore and learn. It’s incredible when you think about it!
   The problem is that while there is a wealth of amazing, accurate information out there on the internet and in social media, there is bad information too. On top of that is the tendency of too many people only using sources that tell them what they want to hear and only listening to one leader or organization. This can blind them from understanding the real situation and the truth.
   Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources. Strive to learn about and explore different points of view. Get outside your comfort zone. Expand your horizons. Also use critical thinking. Double check, hell, triple check facts, sources, and ideas! Recognize that not everything you discover is accurate. Some things are exaggerated while others are just downright false. By using different, independent sources and thinking critically, you are more likely to get a better, more accurate understanding of the subject you are delving into. Don’t automatically believe something simply because you want to believe it, for there is a very real chance that it may not be true at all.
   So think for yourself!
   Open your mind and broaden your horizons!
   Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.
   I think you’ll find that the world is a much more fascinating place and life an increasingly amazing experience if you do.

People These Days Need To Open Their Minds And Broaden Their Horizons!

Remember folks, think independently, whomever you are and whatever your background.

Don’t blindly follow anyone because frankly, there’s been a lot of that going around these days.

Get information from a variety of independent, reputable sources because while there is a lot of good information out there, there’s a lot of bad information out there too, especially when it comes to Social Media.

Double check things. Triple check them! And don’t just follow sites that will tell you what you want to hear. Seek out diverse, varied sources. Explore different points of view. Too many people listen only to one leader or get information from the same source over and over. In addition, too much of the population only interact with others who agree with them, and as a result of all this, they become too isolated from other ideas and points of view. This is a problem in politics, social issues, religion, etc.

Think for yourself!

Open your mind and broaden your horizons!

Strive to be an independent, renaissance person.

I think you’ll find the world is a much more fascinating place and life an amazing experience if you do.

Think For Yourself! Don’t Blindly Follow Anyone!

With things being so divided these days in politics, social issues, environment, health care, and more, many people follow extreme news sources that tell them what they want to hear. A great number also blindly follow political leaders taking everything they say as gospel.
Stop it!
Use your mind. Don’t blindly follow anyone, whatever your politics and beliefs.
Get information from varied, independent sources. Do your best to open your mind and be objective, and that includes learning facts you may not like. Strive to make informed decisions, even if that means recognizing that a politician or idea you have been liking is wrong.
Think for yourself!
And remember: