Why are Open-mindedness, Tolerance, and Diversity Under Threat?

   It’s the 21st century, and one would hope that open-mindedness and tolerance would be improving, that perhaps there would be a glimmer of hope on the horizon of a better, more supportive world in our future. But alas, that is not what is happening. Instead, much of the Republican Party is now pushing policies that are based on ignorance, bigotry, and blatant prejudice. They are trying to take us backwards. What happened to kindness, tolerance, and understanding? What happened to celebrating diversity? What happened?
   For a while, it seemed like the United States was moving in a positive direction in this area, such as when same gender marriage was made the law of the land. But unfortunately, hardcore, right wing extremists are pushing back with policies that are based on ignorance, fear, and horrendous bigotry. They want a world where their narrow-minded vision of how they want everyone to be is forced upon the entire population, even when the majority does not agree. I mean look at what’s happening in states such as Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, and others where vicious anti-LGBTQ laws are being passed and female reproductive rights are being severely restricted or abolished. Most people in the United States support a woman’s right to choose and back things like same gender marriage, but the far right extremists don’t care. And what’s even more dangerous is how so many other people, who deep down may realize what the far right is doing is wrong, are going along with it.
   It’s sad, tragic, and dangerous. The rights of millions of Americans are literally at stake, as is democratic values for all Americans.
   Again, I ask: why is this happening?  I think fear, ignorance, closed-minded thinking, and prejudice in many ways are feeding this. People are often afraid of things they don’t understand or when they feel their way of life is being threatened. A significant number of cisgender, straight individuals don’t get the LGBTQ community and often have intolerant views with regards to it. Quite a few even see being queer as a sin. Speaking of religion, many of these far right extremists see abortion as a sin as well and are actively trying to legislate their personal beliefs upon everyone else despite the fact most people support a woman’s right to choose. Then consider how conservative,  straight, white individuals, especially men, who have had dominant control over American government and society for hundreds of years, fear that their authority is slipping away as diversity and open mindedness are encouraged. Many of these individuals have a serious lack of understanding of what it’s like for people who are queer or for a poor young woman who finds herself with an unexpected pregnancy. This frequently leads to intolerance and prejudice, and let’s be frank, there are some who do have some understanding of these issues but don’t care due to blatant bigotry and desire for control. And what makes this even worse is how there are many Republicans, or individuals who often vote for Republicans, who realize the actions of these far right extremists are wrong but still go along with it.
   So what do we do about it?
   Speak up and speak out, at least those of us who are able to do so. We need to make our voices heard and try to educate people. I realize that hardcore MAGA enthusiasts are not going to listen to us anytime soon, but there are some moderate Republicans as well as Swing voters who might. We at least have to try. Remind them that some of their friends and relatives are LGBTQ or have contemplated having an abortion. Bring home the fact that we are people too and deserve the same rights as everyone else. And another thing we need to do: is vote! Vote like our futures depend on it because in many ways, they do. And be smart with your vote. We need to vote as many Republicans out of office for the foreseeable future as possible, and in terms of the 2024 presidential election, whether people like it or not, the next president will be Biden or Trump. So let’s get out there and vote for Biden in order to make sure Trump doesn’t get back in. Voting for a third party candidate or staying home is helping Donald Trump. That is cold, hard reality everyone.
   Let’s do our part in battling for a better, more open-minded future.