Too Many Movies Use Unfair, Negative Tropes About Bisexual+ Individuals

   I’m bisexual+ and genderfluid. And you know what: I’m sick of unfair, negative stereotypes that are still so pervasive these days. It’s got to stop.
   I was watching a movie about 2 female best friends, one straight and one gay, who are extremely close and in each other’s lives all the time. Texting, hanging out, laughing, telling each other everything, you get the picture. Their relationship changes when the straight one gets in a serious relationship with a man. She doesn’t have as much time for her best friend. So far, good story with a very relatable plot and sympathetic characters. Things change with time, especially when people get into serious, long term relationships. It affects other relationships in both people’s lives.
   My problem with the movie comes when the gay friend is dumped by a woman (whom she’s been dating). The girlfriend in question is leaving her for a man and because of this, she is treated as confused, possibly a cheater, etc. The gay friend tells her straight friend that she’ll be more careful in the future to date women who are more sure of their being gay (I’m paraphrasing, but that was the message). I stopped watching it at this point because it’s unfair, negative tropes like this that contribute to the ignorance and intolerance so many people hold with regards to bi+ individuals. Bisexual+ people can be just as faithful as anyone else. But too many straight and gay people think of us bi+ as a bunch of confused, lying cheaters. And that’s not fair. Straight and gay individuals can be lying cheaters, but people don’t automatically assume that all of them are, whereas, far too many people assume such unfair notions when they realize a person is bi+. It’s not right. It’s why so many bi+ suffer in the closet, afraid of what will happen if their secret sexuality is discovered. It’s also why many of us bi+ find dating brutally hard. It’s a significant factor in why I’m still alone with dates being extremely rare (and going nowhere when they occur).
   Things need to change. People need to open their minds. Bisexual+ people are not a bunch of confused, lying cheaters. Are there some who cheat? Sure there are, just like there are straight and gay individuals who cheat. But that does not mean the entire community is a bunch of cheaters. Bisexual+ people can be just as faithful as anyone else. It’s time society accepts that.

Time For People To Open Their Minds About Bisexual+ Individuals

   Here’s the thing folks: bisexual+ people can be totally faithful and monogamous.
   Why don’t we look at it another way. Bi+ are not a bunch of confused, lying cheaters.
   It’s sad that I keep having to say this, but I do. The reason is that there are still so many people out there who believe unfair stereotypes about bi+ sexuality. Far too many people seem to think that individuals who can be attracted to more than one gender must be confused or that they would never stay faithful to somebody. There are some individuals who actually think bi+ sexuality doesn’t even exist, which is completely preposterous considering that more people identify as a bi+ sexuality (bisexual, pansexual, fluid, etc) than gay or lesbian.
   So let’s get something straight here (no pun intended lol): bi+ sexuality is quite real, and bi+ people can be faithful and monogamous. Now, like with any community, bi+ come from all walks of life and have a plethora of views on life. Some prefer open or polyamorous relationships while many others are monogamous. Are there some who are lying cheaters? Sure there are, just as there are straight and gay people who are lying cheaters. People don’t assume all straight and gay individuals are cheaters because of the actions of a few, so it’s wrong and hurtful that so many unfairly stereotype the entire bi+ community like they do. As a result of these biased attitudes, far too many bisexual+ people feel isolated and alone. Dating can be brutally difficult to near impossible, especially for those who are older, and far too many bi+ suffer in the closet afraid of what might happen if their sexuality was discovered.
   Things need to change.
   People need to educate themselves. Don’t make broad, stereotyped assumptions about an entire community. That’s not right. Instead, everyone should open their minds and their hearts. Get to know a person before jumping to conclusions. Give an individual a chance.
   Think about how amazing this world could be if everyone would do this.
   Think about it…

The Actress Behind Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark Is Bisexual+

   Elvira, Mistress of the Dark is bisexual+!
   Well, Cassandra Peterson, the actress behind the character, is.
   Peterson is an actress, writer, and singer who stepped into the role of Elvira in the early 1980s. The character was created by a Los Angeles television station to act as hostess for late night horror movies, and this is the role Peterson has become famous for. As the years went by, the character Elvira became a cult icon showing up on television as well as in movies, comic books, novels, Halloween costumes, calendars, and more.
   Cassandra Peterson married musician Mark Pierson in 1981, they had one child together. She first met Teresa Wierson while working out at a gym. At first, she thought Wierson was a man and was a bit surprised when she realized that Wierson was a woman. Part of the shock of this discovery probably relates to the fact that Peterson was attracted to her, and apparently this was the first time she had found herself attracted to a woman like this. The two became good friends, and when Peterson’s marriage fell apart, the two took their relationship to the next level and became a romantic couple. They were in love and have been together ever since, 19 years.
   Now, you may be wondering why this is a big deal. The reason is because there are still too many people (both straight and gay) whose attitudes towards the bi+ community reveal serious lack of understanding which often goes along with intolerance and prejudice. As a result, most bi+ (bisexual, pansexual, fluid, etc) individuals are still in the closet, and of those who are out, a great number find dating extremely difficult to near impossible due to the fact that so many people choose to believe unfair, negative stereotypes that are untrue most of the time. The truth is that bi+ can be just as faithful and monogamous as anyone else and are not a bunch of confused, lying cheaters.
   This is why it’s such a big deal when a celebrity such as Cassandra Peterson comes out as bisexual+. It helps to humanize the bi+ community so that people who are straight and gay can relate a little bit more and perhaps open their minds with regards to people who are bi+. As more bi+ come out and speak of their experiences, hopefully with time there will be greater acceptance by others in society. And this would make the world a better place for everyone.
   So thank you Cassandra Peterson for having the courage to admit your fluid sexuality, and I hope you and Teresa Wierson have many more happy years together.

People Need To Educate Themselves About Bisexual+ Sexuality

  Let’s be clear here: I think most of the population still has a lot to learn about Bisexual+ sexuality. Evidence of this includes the fact that too many Bi+ individuals feel they have to live in the closet due to the lack of understanding, intolerance, and prejudice encountered from too many members of the Straight and Gay/Lesbian Communities.
   This has got to change. It’s way past time for everyone to open their minds and educate themselves about Bi+ sexuality!
   So let’s get started.
   What is Bi+ sexuality you may be wondering. Well, Bisexual+, or Bi+, is an umbrella term for anyone who can be attracted to more than one gender whatever terms or labels they prefer, for there isn’t one label everyone uses. Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid, Omnisexual, Heteroflexible, Homoflexible, and Queer (a catch all for all LGBTQ people) are just some examples. There are different terms and different ways people look at the potential of being attracted to more than one gender.
   Now, like any community, there is a wide range of Bi+ folks from all walks of life with a plethora of feelings, ideas, and outlooks. Bi+ can be rich, poor, young, old, male, female, nonbinary, genderfluid, genderqueer, you name it. Most are looking for, or are in, monogamous relationships while there are others in ethically open or polyamorous relationships.
   Everyone needs to recognize that the vast majority of Bi+ people are decent human beings hoping to find someone special. Searching for love, romance, companionship, chemistry, and connection. Sound familiar?
   And sure, like all communities, there are a few jerks. But they are the exceptions, not the rule.
   One of the big problems facing Bi+ today is how so much of the Straight and Gay/Lesbian communities believe or go along with unfair, preconceived stereotypes that are not true the majority of the time. Bi+ are not a bunch of confused, lying cheaters, yet way too much of society goes along with such ridiculous notions. This is why so much of the Bi+ Community suffers in the closet, afraid of what will happen if their secret is discovered. And Bi+ individuals who are out frequently face intolerance and prejudice from members of the Straight and Gay/Lesbian Communities. As a result, Bi+ often finding dating brutally difficult since so many people categorically refuse to go out on even one date once they realize an individual is Bi+.
   Newsflash folks: if you like someone, you’re interested in them in many ways, there is great chemistry, you both want a monogamous relationship (for example), and so on, but you automatically refuse to go out with them (without giving them a chance) once you realize they can be attracted to more than one gender, that is a form of prejudice!
   This needs to change.
   People need to educate themselves and open their minds.
   They should not be intolerant, jumping to unfair conclusions, just because someone is Bi+.
   They need to remember that Bi+ are people too and deserve a chance.
   Remember: Love Is Love!